Row of books

Welcome to the County Archives

The mission of the County of Santa Clara Archives is to collect, preserve, and make available the historical records of the County of Santa Clara government.

The Archives’ goals are to be a center for research and information about the County of Santa Clara and to foster an appreciation and understanding of the county’s history and development.

History of the Archives

The County of Santa Clara Board of Supervisors established an Archive Policy by Policy Resolution 04-14, dated September 14, 2004. In that resolution, the Board of Supervisors recognized "the need for a formal archive policy to ensure the preservation and availability for historical and evidentiary purposes of the official papers and artifacts of the County of Santa Clara." The resolution stated that it is "County policy to establish and maintain a Countywide Records Management program, utilizing the cooperation and support of County agencies and departments, and to identify it as a priority to enable the County to systematically control the creation, maintenance, and disposition of all County records, as well as provide a County archive facility for use by the public, the County organization, and any individual or organization in need of historical and evidentiary information about the County of Santa Clara." Space for an Archives was secured in 2004 and is leased through 2014. An archivist was hired in 2006, and in April 2006, the County of Santa Clara Archives began operation.​​

Images of the month

Voted ballots in sealed containers were brought to the Counting Center under guard from the Receiving Center
County of Santa Clara in the mid-1960s
Front view of the Hall of Justice, circa 1950s
Hall of Justice, circa 1950s
Aerial view of the County Government Center, September 20, 1956
County Government Center, circa 1950s
Front view of Hall of Records built in 1892
Hall of Records, built in 1892